Rabu, 04 April 2018

Study Calling Coffee Can Reduce Multiple Sclerosis Risk

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Study Calling Coffee Can Reduce Multiple Sclerosis Risk


Jakarta, Do you have a habit of drinking coffee? Did you know in fact the impact of drinking coffee is not just to make the body wake up. According to a study done by scientists from the University School of Medicine in Baltimore, drinking coffee also has a role to reduce the risk of multiple sclerosis (MS) or inflammation of the brain and spinal cord. One among the study researchers, Ellen Mowry, MD, MCR said, "" Caffeine consumption has been associated with a reduced risk of Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. Our study also showed by drinking coffee can protect the body from MS, the results of this study support the research first about the caffeine that has protective effects for the brain. "" Also read: Organize Drinking 4 Cups of Coffee One Day, Skin Cancer Risk Drops 20 Percent Quoted from Science Daily on Friday (27/2/2015), some researchers do the study by looking at respondents in two places. In Sweden, involved 1. 629 people with MS and 2807 healthy people. Then, in America participate 1. 159 people with MS as well as 1. 172 healthy people. They divide the two groups by consuming coffee in some people who suffer from MS as well as 1-5 years. previously the MS sign was out or about 10 years. on research in Sweden. Then, the researchers compared it to the amount of coffee consumed in some people who did not have MS at the same time. This research includes aspects of age, sex, smoking, body mass index and sunlight exposure routine. Research in Sweden shows that some people do not consume coffee has an increased risk of MS 1, 5 times higher than those who drank coffee approximately 6 cups / day throughout the year. However, there is no insufficient protection from coffee on the body for those who drink it for 10 years. or in large quantities. In research in the United States, some people who did not drink coffee, the risk of MS 1, 5 times higher, compared to those who drank four or more cups of coffee / day in the previous year marked MS. "" There should be further studies on caffeine consumption to see its effect on recurrence and long-term damage to MS, "" says Mowry, one of the members of the American Academy of Neurology. This research has been supported by many official health groups in Sweden and America, and published at the 67th American Academy of Neurology in Washington DC, USA. Read also: Study: Drinking 3 Cups of Coffee One Day Reduce the Likelihood of Alzheimer's Disease (rdn / vit)



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